Pagan Blog Project – P is for Pantheon

Most of you know a pantheon is the group of deities for a religion.  Oftentimes, people select one specific pantheon to follow and use only those Goddesses and Gods.  There are others who are eclectic and choose from each of the pantheons, selecting those deities that they best relate to.

Many of the pantheons have very similar deities.

Here is a quick comparison of Greeks and their Roman counterparts.


Greek vs Roman
Greek name Roman name
Amphitrite Salacia
Ananke Necessitas
Aphrodite Venus
Ares Mars
Artemis Diana
Asclepius Aesculapius
Asclepius Veiovis
Athena Minerva
Atropos Morta
Boreas Aquilo
Charites (Graces) Gratiae
Chloris Flora
Clotho Nona
Cronus Saturn
Demeter Ceres
Dionysus Bacchus
Enyo Bellona
Eos Aurora
Eos Matuta
Erinyes Furies
Eris Discordia
Eros Cupid (Amor)
Eurus Vulturnus
Gaia Tellus
Galinthias Galinthis
Irene Pax
Hades Dis PaterPlutoOrcus
Hebe Juventas
Hecate Trivia
Helios Sol
Hera Juno
Heracles Hercules
Hermes Mercury
Hephaestus Vulcan
Hesperos Vesper
Hestia Vesta
Hygieia Salus
Hypnos Somnus
Lachesis Decima
Leto Latona
Moirae (Fates) Parcae
Nike Victoria
Notus Auster
Odysseus Ulysses
Pan Faunus
Persephone Proserpina
Pheme Fama
Phosporus Lucifer
Poseidon Neptune
Satyr Faun
Selene Luna
Semele Stimula
Silenus Silvanus
Themis Justitia
Tyche Fortuna
Zephyrus Favonius
Zeus Jupiter

Pagan Blog Project – O is for Odin

This week, I chose to cover the Norse God, Odin.  I am not at all familiar with the Norse pantheon so I thought this was a great opportunity for me to look into it.



  • Man in charge
  • Allfather of the gods
  • Lives in Asgard
  • Had premonition of final battle, Ragnarok, where they all would die, making them mortal unlike other pantheons.
  • Hung from the world tree, Yggrdrasil – Hanged man card in tarot?
  • Associated with war, battle, victory, death, wisdom, Shamanism, magic, poetry, prophecy
  • May sons, most famous is Thor (Thor’s Day – Thursday)
  • Wife – Frigg/Freya (Friday – Freya’s Day)
  • Wednesday – Woden’s (Odin’s) Day
  • Along with his brother, they defeated the frost giant, Ymir, and  created the world from his body, blood and bones.


Pagan Blog Project – N is for Nutmeg

I love herbs, so I’m going to try and do one herb for each week of the PBP, unless there aren’t any for that letter.



Family Name: Myristicaceae

Botanical Name(s): Myristica Fragrans

Popular Name(s): Nutmeg, Nutmeg Flower, Black Caraway, Flower Seed, Black Cumin

Parts Used: Seed

Habitat: Nutmeg is a tropical evergreen tree native to Indonesia and cultivated in the West Indies, South Africa, the Malacca Islands, India and other tropical areas.

Description: Nutmeg is a bushy, evergreen and aromatic tree with oblong leaves and pale yellow flowersA, followed by round fleshy fruits, containing a brown seed. The tree is about 25 feet high and has a grayish-brown smooth bark, abounding in a yellow juice.

Uses: In small quantities, nutmeg acts on the stomach to improve appetite and digestion. Nutmeg oil is sometimes used to dispel flatulence. It is used in perfumes and ointments. Nutmeg is commonly used for seasoning foods. It helps prevent gas and fermentation in the intestinal tract. It is good for nausea and vomiting. It helps to control vomiting and relaxes spasms. Its topical application has anti-inflammatory effects. It is used externally to treat toothache, eczema and rheumatic or abdominal pain.

Magickal Uses: Attracts luck, money, health and fidelity.  Also a great choice as a charm or token, and is most powerful when used for financial matters, even gambling. It’s Jovian influence also associates nutmeg with the law and legal issues. Use it to help with court cases or banking matters. Nutmeg is used by many people for the purpose of bringing good fortune in games of chance. Folks who play at cards, slots, keno, dice, the racetrack, the lottery, and bingo claim that WHOLE NUTMEG will Bring in the Winnings. Some people tell us that they drill a hole in a NUTMEG, fill the hole with liquid mercury, and seal it with wax. Others place WHOLE NUTMEG in a green flannel Mojo Hand along with other alleged Lucky Money Herbs such as Allspice, Chamomile, Bayberry, Cinnamon,  Alfalfa, and Irish Moss.


N is for Nature Magick

So to further my studies, I decided to join the Pagan Blog Project.  I know I’m late to the party, I’m going to try to catch up…

This week I am talking about Nature Magick, which means I am doing lots of research 🙂

According to Llewellyn, nature magick is defined as “In the World of Nature there are many natural powers and natural remedies. At the same time, through the Natural World there are intelligences at work—from the “animal spirits” of the group minds to the Nature Spirits of Element Forces that can both be invoked and evoked, and on to the Earthern Energies that can be called into the Magician’s Body and Mind.

Nature Magick is a class of magick unto itself, residing between Folk Magic, Practical Magic, and Ceremonial Magick, while the World of Nature is a resource for all kinds of magic.”

So this lead me to Natural Magic: Natural Magic is the type of magic that uses natural objects from the world around you. This includes such things as herbs, roots, oils, crystals, stones, and various other items. It may include various chants, spells, charms, and incantations and tends to exclude the complexities found in some other forms of magic.

Natural Magic is commonly used by followers of various Pagan paths, ranging from solitaries and Hedge Witches to members of traditional covens. In the past, Paganism was most frequently associated with people of the fields. Since they didn’t have lots of irrigation systems, they needed to be in lower lands where water from rains would accumulate for their crops. As a result, Natural Magic is also known as “Low Magic.” This should not imply that it is in any way lower, of less value, or less spiritual than other forms of magic, only that its European sources were in the fertile lowlands.

This explained it perfectly for me.  I have always been interested in herbs and such, so I’m sure that I will be concentrating lots of study time in this area.

Here is another site I found

And I’m off to go dig up more information

Blessed Be )O(