My Oracle Reading

Deck: Sacred Geometry Cards for the Visionary Path

Spread: Card of the Day

Date: Thu Aug 17 05:45:44 EDT 2017

Today’s Card

54. Octahedron (Reversed)

Nourishment • Air

The octahedron, with its eight triangular faces, is one of five three-dimensional shapes called the Platonic solids. Seen in another way, an octahedron is a figure created by two pyramids sharing the same base. One pyramid points up and one pyramid points down, dividing space into eight equal directions. The octahedron is associated with the element of air and is a symbol of nourishment, with the powerful ability to bring together differing viewpoints. It is earth and sky energies united. It is male and female in balanced understanding.

This card invites you to consider how your life is nourished by broadening your perspective and looking at many facets, in many directions, in order to find balance and nourishment. Reflect on the effect of eight aspects on the object of your inquiry. Sit quietly and breathe in . . . and out. Contemplate each aspect. How does cooperation affect your view of the situation? Might patience help events to flow more freely? Remember, at our core we are all love, and joy and peace are our birthright. Feel appreciation for the process and gratitude for the understanding you will gain.

You may want to choose other aspects to explore. Create your own list. The message here is to know you will be nourished by expanding your point of view.


An aspect of intolerance needs to be addressed. Expand the generosity of your Spirit and feel how that lightens your life.

Presented by Sacred Geometry Cards for the Visionary Path app from The Fool’s Dog.

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